3 Wrong Reasons to Leave Your Local Church — and 5 Right Reasons to Stay
To be sure, there are legitimate reasons to leave a local church. Here are 3 wrong reasons to leave and 5 right reasons to remain at your current church.
Is Your Pastor a Sex Therapist?
If you want to build an audience, talk relationships. Some pastors are even addressing subjects such as sex from the pulpit. Should they?
The Word Preached and the Parable of the Sower
In the Parable of the Sower, who does the sower represent, what does each soil represent, and what does Jesus want us to learn from this parable?
4 Questions a Pastor Should Ask Himself Before and After Giving a Sermon
How can we tell whether a sermon is good or not? Here are four questions to ask any time you write—or evaluate—a sermon.
Should Pastors Preach Topical Sermons?
Should pastors preach topically or should they preach chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse, through books of the Bible?
Why You Should Love to Go to Church
The Scriptures warned that there would be a problem of Christians saying they don’t need to come to church. We live in those times. And I suggest that people are spiritually languishing because of this disregard.
No One Shared the Gospel with Me
When I see young people running away from God, acting in the most offensive ways they can imagine, I see my younger self. I see lost people who are in desperate need of Christ. Why didn’t even one Christian talk to young me about Jesus?
The Art of Sermon Illustrations
Sermon illustrations are one of the most challenging aspects of preaching. What are some pitfalls of sermon illustrations and how can preachers employ them wisely and effectively?
A Tribute to My Missionary Parents
What is it like growing up in the jungle with parents who are missionary Bible translators? We can learn much from those who decided that teaching people about the kingdom of God was worth giving up the "ordinary" life they might have had in this world.