Should Pastors Preach Topical Sermons?
Should pastors preach topically or should they preach chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse, through books of the Bible?
Things I Wish I'd Known about Pastoring a Church When I Was Young
Here is some practical advice from a seasoned minister to help young men who are just starting out in pastoral ministry.
5 Ways to Support Your Pastor
Pastors are prone to high rates of burnout and are not immune to stress-related problems from their work such as anxiety and depression. Here are five ways to support your pastor.
The Art of Sermon Illustrations
Sermon illustrations are one of the most challenging aspects of preaching. What are some pitfalls of sermon illustrations and how can preachers employ them wisely and effectively?
Pastors and Friendship
What are some of the challenges pastors face in trying to build friendships with people in their congregation? How can Christians guard themselves from placing unrealistic expectations on their pastor?
Is Your Pastor Preaching the Gospel or Something Else?
Some pastors think they need to frame their sermons to deal with the social justice issues of the day and actually end up enveloping the congregation in weariness. What are pastors commissioned by God to do?
Measuring Your Ministry—a Warning and an Encouragement
Do you see a trend in the Christian West toward secular thinking, corrupting forces, and division? In the context of Christian ministry, what will we gain by measuring size, numbers, achievable goals, and measurable outcomes? In doing so we remove the attention from God and place it on ourselves, making our “impact” of utmost importance. Why is going back to God the best thing to do so in such circumstances?
Your Online Pastor Doesn’t Love You the Way Your Local Pastor Does
Local church pastors used to be highly respected, but now they are just one voice that is often drowned out by the guy with multiple books, podcasts, and conference appearances. Why is this a serious concern for Christ’s church?
5 Reasons Why We Should Sing Psalms and Hymns in Church
Does your congregation sing psalms and hymns during the church service? Here are five reasons why it’s good to do.