What Is Mutual Submission and How Does It Apply to Marriage?
What is Paul saying in Ephesians 5 about mutual submission and how does it apply to marriage for husbands and wives?
Q & A: 10 Important Aspects of Submission and Authority in a Christian Marriage
Are Christian wives called to submit to the godly leadership of their husbands? What does the Bible teach about submission and authority in a Christian marriage?
Q & A: Are There Limits to Male Headship?
Theologian R. Scott Clark explains why the principle of headship in the church must be applied and exercised carefully.
The Strong Woman of Proverbs 31
What is the Proverbs 31 woman really like? In this elaborate poem we are not only swept up in the wise talents and virtues of women, but we also learn more about our Savior.
You Are Very Important—the Sixth Day of Creation
On the one hand, we sense that we are important and significant. Life means something. We have purpose—a high purpose. We were destined for great things. On the other hand, we tell ourselves, incessantly, that we are meaningless and insignificant. Here are 3 reasons from Genesis 1:24-26 why you are very important.