How Do Christians Love People with Different Worldviews?
Here are two basic reasons why the Christian worldview enables me to love atheists and those who adhere to other religions.
Building Real Community Jesus' Way
We want communities and relationships that are healthy, joyful, full of peace and love, and—most of all—real. How do we get there, and what are some deterrents to reaching that goal?
3 Ways You Can Live Intentionally Every Day
Because our hearts naturally wander away from God and we love so many other lesser things, we must train our hearts to gaze upon God. How do we incorporate this into our lives practically?
30 Ways to Love Christ in the Everyday Moments of Life
Little things can make a big difference. Here are 30 ways to love Christ in the everyday moments of life.
The Art of Ritual in Your Daily Life
For most of us, ritual is implicit—embedded within our lives without much notice. Yet, can you answer the question “why these rituals”? Did you choose them, intentionally forming habits? Do they add symmetry to your life? Do they get you where you want to go? Do you like them? Or better yet, do you love them?