What If You're Wrong About What Happens After You Die?
Do you think your good efforts will be good enough for God to let you into heaven? If so, why do you think you’re correct? What’s going to happen if you’re wrong?
Where Did Hell Go?
It’s difficult to find anyone who wants to talk about hell nowadays because we think that most of us are pretty good overall. Nice people aren’t actually going to end up in some hard-to-believe-it’s-really-true everlasting lake of fire, right?
Hell to Pay: What Truly Happened to Jesus on the Cross?
Was Jesus really and truly forsaken by his Father when he hung on the cross?
2 Things You Need to Know about the Exclusivity of Christ
Some people think it’s unkind to tell others that their religion or worldview is wrong. Why is holding up Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation the most loving thing we can do?
You Must Be Ready for Jesus' Return!
Jesus teaches us that he will return on an ordinary day (Matt. 24:37-44). Does that change your outlook on your life? Here’s why it ought to affect everything. Radically.
Are We Ready for the Second Coming of Jesus?
After telling the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18, Jesus says, “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Why does Jesus draw a direct connection between the faith of the widow and the faith he will find when he returns?
24 Bible Passages about the Reality of Hell
No one in the Bible spoke more about the reality of hell than Jesus did. What does the Bible actually say about hell?
There but for the Grace of God Go I
I lived most of my adult years as a non-believer. I was ambivalent about the abortion issue, but if pressed, I would have sided with those who see it as a “choice” issue. On this side of salvation, however, it is impossible not to see the horrible consequences of abortion on society, mothers and fathers who make that choice, and most certainly the unborn.