Faith Daniel Rowlands Faith Daniel Rowlands

Immanuel: The Son Revealed in the Old Testament

Should we be surprised that God came in the form of a suffering servant—the man Jesus Christ, who would save his people from their sins? Let's go back to the biblical writings a number of centuries before the incarnation.

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Faith Ayrian Yasar Faith Ayrian Yasar

God Comes Quietly: Immanuel in the Ordinary

Angels announced his coming; yet, the Savior of the world was laid in a lowly manger. How does Luke’s narrative of Jesus’ birth bring us comfort that the Lord God Almighty is also quietly near to us in our daily lives?

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Faith Ayrian Yasar Faith Ayrian Yasar

Advent Sunday Week 4: A King Is Born

Saul and David were kings of Israel, but they both failed to rule perfectly. Only the Shepherd-King, come in the flesh, earned the right to rule forever. Here is the final installment of our 4-part Sunday Advent series.

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