5 Ways People Worship Themselves
“If your god never disagrees with you, you might just be worshiping an idealized version of yourself” (Tim Keller). Here are five ways people go about designing their own god to worship.
What the Gospel Says to a Mom’s Worry
All moms worry about their children to some degree or another. We worry about little things and big things; yet, we can bring all our worries to God’s throne of grace.
7 Good Things to Remember When You Experience “Mommy Guilt”
Mom guilt. Whatever the circumstances, we know that sinking feeling when our children are hurt. We feel responsible. It weighs heavily on our hearts. If motherhood were a job, we’d likely have fired ourselves by now. Here are seven good things to remember when you experience “mommy guilt.”
Lord's Days 39-45: 10 Q&As from the Heidelberg Catechism Every Christian Should Know
What are our duties to our neighbor? Why is prayer necessary for Christians? Find out in our latest installment of 10 Q&As from the beloved Heidelberg Catechism, used by more than one million Christians globally!
Lord's Days 32-38: 10 Q&As from the Heidelberg Catechism Every Christian Should Know
What is true repentance? How do we properly worship God? Find out in our latest installment of 10 Q&As from the beloved Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Days 32-38.
Book Review: "Idols of a Mother's Heart" by Christina Fox
Moms, you may be worshiping an idol right now without even realizing it. In “Idols of a Mother’s Heart,” author Christina Fox shares some helpful things moms can do to keep their focus on developing—and keeping—a godly heart.