Jesus Christ: Truly God, Truly Man
After the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, the church found itself having to confront—and refute—these 8 heresies regarding Jesus’ true deity and true humanity.
How Not To Be a Heretic
Of course, no one ever plans to become a heretic, but it still happens. Here are three things you can do to better know and uphold the great truths of the Bible.
How to Discern Biblical Truth
Charles H. Spurgeon once stated that discernment is knowing the difference between right and almost right. How can we strengthen our discernment muscles in order to understand and apply Scripture correctly?
10 Beautiful Things You Will Be After Reading Church History
When we read church history, we are left awe-filled as we learn the story of God’s faithfulness in preserving his church and accomplishing his eternal plan. Here are ten beautiful things you will "be" after reading church history.