3 Points about the Doctrine of Predestination Every Christian Needs to Know
When it comes to biblical teaching on how predestination is involved in salvation, people worry that if we “give” God his sovereignty, then we are giving away our own freedom. Why is this a false dilemma?
Counting Our Blessings: A Prayer about the Effectual Calling of God
When hearts seem just as hard as they were when I started praying for them, I begin to wonder if I should quit praying—O Lord, may I never! Here is a prayer to help us meditate upon the reassuring truth of God’s effectual calling.
Counting Our Blessings: A Prayer about God's Eternal Decree
“God, from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass…” (WCF 3.1). Here is a prayer to help you meditate upon God’s eternal decree.
Is It Chance or Sovereignty?
For God, sovereign over all, knowing all, nothing is accidental. This leaves us with many questions. We want to know the how’s and the why’s of our stories. Many of these questions are, as the psalmist says, “too wonderful” for us.
Seeing God's Sovereignty in Little Moments
I had been telling myself that since I had successfully potty trained my two other children, this time with my two-year-old would naturally have to be easier. That was mistake number one. I learned something important that day about God’s sovereignty in the little moments of life.