3 Points about the Doctrine of Predestination Every Christian Needs to Know
When it comes to biblical teaching on how predestination is involved in salvation, people worry that if we “give” God his sovereignty, then we are giving away our own freedom. Why is this a false dilemma?
What Does It Mean to Be Chosen in Christ?
What does the apostle Paul mean in Ephesians 1:4 when he writes that God “chose us in him before the foundation of the world”?
How Much Free Will Do You Really Have?
Both Christians and non-Christians point out their free will, but how free are we? Are we free to do anything? Why don’t believers use their free will to freely choose never to sin again? It’s actually not all that simple when it comes to free will.
Do the Doctrine of "Total Depravity" and the Free Offer of the Gospel Contradict Each Other?
If fallen human beings are dead in sin and unable to believe apart from God’s sovereign work of regeneration, why is the free offer of the gospel proclaimed to everyone?