6 Reasons Why Adam and Eve’s Eating of the Forbidden Fruit Was a Terrible Transgression Against God
Did God overreact to Adam and Eve’s sin in the garden of Eden? Why was Adam and Eve’s eating of the forbidden fruit such a terrible transgression against God?
10 Facts about Sarah from the Book of Genesis That Will Encourage Your Faith
Sarah had to wait until she was in her nineties to give birth to her first child, Isaac. We can learn much from Sarah about walking in faith in God’s promises.
One People of God: Christ Has Broken Down the Dividing Wall
I was taught as a teenaged convert that Jews are God’s earthly people and that the church is God’s spiritual people. Here’s why there is one way of salvation for both Jew and Gentile.
Always with You — God's Enduring Love in the Story of Your Life
Jacob was a rebel without a cause. How do we see God’s love for us in the story of God’s relentless pursuit of Jacob in Genesis 25-32?
7 Things You Don't Have to Do to Be Godly
Do you ever feel like you're just not good enough at being a Christian? Here are seven things you don't have to do to be godly.
Your Secular Life Is a Covenant of Works
People either accept Jesus as their substitute, with his satisfaction and righteousness, or they are obligated to provide their own—a mark that no sinner can hit. Your work in civil life, however, is a covenant of works, not a covenant of grace. This distinction is critically important for every person to understand.