Should Christians Use the Term “Eucharist” for the Lord’s Supper?
The term for the Lord’s Supper, “Eucharist,” is used predominantly in Roman Catholic circles, so Protestants might be prone to have an aversion to such a name. Is the term “Eucharist” unbiblical?
The Power of Habit in Teaching Our Children About God
The colossal calling of parenthood is made up of zillions of seemingly insignificant events. Something happened recently that encouraged me regarding how the habits we create in our homes can—by God’s grace—make a life-changing impact on the hearts of our little ones.
"Whoever Feeds On My Flesh" — John 6:50-56
In John 6:56 Jesus proclaims, “Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.” What does Jesus mean by this statement?
Is the Lord's Supper a Feast or a Funeral?
Feast or funeral? That’s a major question as we approach the Lord’s Table. Are we rejoicing, or are we mourning? Is this a festive banquet to which we have come, or is it a funeral service?
What Are the 3 Marks of the Church? Distinguishing between Healthy and Dangerous Consumerism
Knowing the three marks of the church helps us to understand what Christ’s church is actually meant to be—and not be disappointed when church doesn’t meet all our expectations.
Why Every Christian Needs the Ordinary Means of Grace
What are the ordinary means of grace God has given to us in Christ to feed and nourish our faith, and why do we need them?