Dunking, Sprinkling, or Pouring: Is There a Preferred Mode of Baptism?
Some Christians have never seen any other mode of baptism except immersion (dunking). Yet, what about sprinkling or pouring? Is there a preferred mode for baptizing Christians?
2 Important Aspects of Christian Baptism Every Believer Should Know
How do the Old Testament accounts of Noah and the Flood and the Israelites passing through the Red Sea help us better understand two important aspects of Christian baptism?
10 Important Things to Consider When Choosing a Church to Attend
Churchgoers need discernment both in choosing a faithful church to attend and determining whether they are attending a church for the right reasons. Here are 10 important things to consider in the process.
What Are the 3 Marks of the Church? Distinguishing between Healthy and Dangerous Consumerism
Knowing the three marks of the church helps us to understand what Christ’s church is actually meant to be—and not be disappointed when church doesn’t meet all our expectations.
Why Every Christian Needs the Ordinary Means of Grace
What are the ordinary means of grace God has given to us in Christ to feed and nourish our faith, and why do we need them?
Lord's Days 25-31: 10 Q&As from the Heidelberg Catechism Every Christian Should Know
What are the sacraments of the Christian faith? Find out in this installment of 10 Q&As from the beloved Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Days 25-31.