Justin Martyr on the Importance of Fulfilled Messianic Prophecy
2nd-century believer Justin Martyr defended the truth of Christianity based not on passionate feelings but instead on fulfilled prophecies and credible testimonies. What can we learn from Justin about standing strong in our Christian convictions today?
Podcast Review: “The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God”
Looking for a good podcast for your atheist friends or family who are reconsidering the claims of Christianity, or believers you know who are struggling with their faith? If so, be sure to check out this remarkable new podcast series by Justin Brierley.
Even Atheists Have Faith
Many atheists and skeptics contrast faith with evidence, with reason, with the mind. What is the relationship between faith and reason?
Is It Reasonable to Trust the Gospel Narratives?
Is it reasonable to stake so much on the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? The answer is yes. They hold up to scrutiny. Here’s why they are more reliable than most other ancient texts.
Is Faith a Feeling?
Many Christians see faith as a blind leap—an internal feeling of some kind. That’s not Christianity, but Sheilaism. What is Sheilaism and why is it a problem in the church today?
Why I Am a Christian: The Problem of Evil
Only the Judeo-Christian tradition has faced evil squarely and called it what it is. What does the Bible say about the problem of evil?
10 Facts about Jesus’ Resurrection You Need to Know
If Jesus wasn’t raised from the dead, then Christianity isn’t true. Here are 10 facts everyone needs to know about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Why It's Reasonable to Believe in Jesus' Resurrection
Christianity rests on eye-witness testimony and historical claims. Here’s why it’s reasonable to believe in Jesus’ resurrection.
"The Sign of the Prophet Jonah" — Matthew 12:38-39
Why did Jesus say, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah” (Matt. 12:39)?