Faith Le Ann Trees Faith Le Ann Trees

5 Ways People Worship Themselves

“If your god never disagrees with you, you might just be worshiping an idealized version of yourself” (Tim Keller). Here are five ways people go about designing their own god to worship.

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Faith R. Scott Clark Faith R. Scott Clark

Is Church Discipline Mean?

The tendency today is to view the church as a means of therapy, a place of fellowship and encouragement. The very idea of church discipline seems high-handed, arbitrary, unjust, even mean. Is this true?

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Life Le Ann Trees Life Le Ann Trees

The Reality and Joy of Accountability

Accountability often seems to be a one-way street. We want other people to be held accountable but also want God and others to to go easy on us. The reality is that we are all accountable to God, one another, and ourselves.

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